Wondering Where to Go?
For some clients, something that seems like it ought to be simple can be a big source of anxiety – finding a new place in a different part of town, let’s say.
Here’s a visual guide to finding Bliss Progressive Psychiatry (at 159 St. Matthews Avenue, suite 8, 40207), and then some pictures of what to expect of the space when you walk in. Thanks for taking the first step!
This is the sign you'll see on St. Matthews Avenue - next to Jim Hendrix auto, across form the Palmer factory and Chenoweth Square
There are two buildings in the office complex. 159 is directly in front of you as you pull into the parking lot.
No door signage is allowed, but if you've found the door with 8 & 7 next to it and Medina CPA directly in front of you, you're in the right spot.
Turn to the right and come upstairs. If you're differently-abled or stairs are a barrier for you, please contact me by phone or email. I'll make sure you get the care you need, without stairs.
Welcome - I'm glad you're here. This is the entryway and sitting area. Hang up your coat, grab a mint, have a seat. Or get something to drink.
Sitting area - have a seat. Breathe. I love plants. Take a look at this great book I found with some beautiful, accurate illustrations.
Care for a coffee? If the Nespresso machine intimidates you (like it did me when I first got it), I'll gladly help. You deserve good coffee.
If you prefer tea, tea (and sugar, honey, and mugs) are in the cabinet below.
Dark roast coffee has my heart, but if you need an alternate coffee (or tea), look inside the cabinet
Non-dark roast coffee options, tea, honey, sugar, and mugs! I took a ton of ceramics courses in college. I, or a good friend, made all the mugs.)
If water's more your speed (or you need water for the tea kettle), there's room temperature water in the Berkey and chilled water in the fridge.
In case you need to know what the restroom looks like (and, for my differently-abled clients, the toilet has grab bars).
Where I see clients and their families - I've worked hard to make this as welcoming and comfortable as possible.
Another view of my office space - grab a blanket if you need (I often do!). I always love to see what other folks have on their bookshelves - feel free to browse.
If I see you via telehealth, I'm usually sitting at this desk.